Mudik The Series, Season 3

Kind of busy for the last 2 months, but finally I managed to get a plane ticket to mudik to Malang :) Fortunatelly, I wont stay longer in Malang this year. Only from 28/09/2008  to 04/10/2008. Effectively only 5 days. But I’ll try to explore my hometown within 5 days plus more culinary info :P

For the least 2 years, I reported my day-to-day activity during trip to Malang. This year is the 3rd season of my Mudik The Series :)

Mudik The Series Season 1, October 2006


Mudik The Series Season 2, October 2007

Tragedi debu

Seperti aku tulis di 2 postingan sebelumnya, sebelum Natal kemarin aku ma Decy maen ke Malaysia. Tepatnya ke KL dan Melaka. Yah backpacking klayapan di 2 kota itu lah. Taking picture, nyobain makanan dan sejenisnya. Di Melaka, D40x Decy bermasalah. Ada bercak di hasil fotonya. Setelah dianalisa ternyata sensornya ada sedikit debu or something. Karena ga bawa blower n Decy males beli blower (lagi) di sana (yang harganya mahal dibanding beli di Indonesia), akhirnya yah mesti sabar2 dengan bercak tersebut.
Begitu pulang, sampe rumah aku diperiksa lagi kemare si Decy kemudian di”tiup-tiup” pake blower, test potret ke media putih gede (termasuk beberapa lembar kertas HVS :P) akhirnya tuh bercak ilang. Kembali kinclong :)

Then I got the same nightmare just right before new year 2008. Setelah transfer foto ke HDD sambil mengamati, ternyata beberapa hasil jepretanku (terutama hari terakhir) ada bercaknya juga …. huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Beberapa foto di Melaka ada juga bercaknya. Langsung panik. Ambil blower, “sebul-sebul” sampe tangan pegel. Gosok lensa sampe kinclong. Tes jepret beberapa foto, alhamdulillah normal semua hasil jepretan pake 3 lensa yang berbeda.
But wait a minute … there’s something bugging me when viewing the viewfinder. Ada bercak di sana. Yang jelas bukan di sensor seperti punya Decy, tapi lebih ke mirror n focusing screennya. Then I made a very big dumbass mistake.

Setelah diblower beberapa kali bercak di viewfinder ga ilang juga, aku mulai bersihkan pelan2 mirror dengan kain statis (bener namanya itu?) … test, no result. Lap focusing screen, no result. Waktu beli blower dulu, paketnya terdiri dari 1 blower, 1 sikat sedang, 1 kain, 1 botol kecil cairan pembersih, 1 sikat kecil dengan ujung satunya berupa semacam spons/karet lunak. Harusnya saya googling lebih lama n coba pake cotton bud yg lembut instead using “sapu kecil berujung spons” ini. Then it happened. Bukannya viewfinder bersih, tapi malah ada garis abu-abu di sana. Huaaaaaaaa. Saat lensa dilepas, garis abu-abu tadi berubah jadi garis yang lebih tajam. It’s scratched !!!!

My focusing screen was scratched …. langsung lemes + kalut + sebel bla bla bla bla bla ….
Geblek … dodol … mestinya begitu diblower ga ada hasil, saya harus segera bawa ke ahlinya. Tanggal 3 bawa si D40x ke BKP, si Anto bilang focusing screennya positif scratch, mesti diganti. Plus tuh debu brengsek sepertinya nempel di prisma-nya. Jadi aku harus ke Alta karena cuman mereka yg punya stok n sekalian bersihkan prismanya, BKP langsung konfirmasi ke Alta via telpon saat itu juga. Tanggal 5 maen ke Alta. Ama mas di frontdesk kameraku dicek ulang, same conclusion. Sayangnya stok focusing screen D40/D40x sedang habis. Dan mereka lagi nunggu shipment stok berbagai spare-parts Nikon yang sekiranya datang tengah bulan ini.

Jadi aku disarankan untuk telpon lagi sekitar tanggal 14-15 Januari buat konfirmasi. Kalo ada, aku tinggal ke Alta lagi. *Lega*
Well, foto-foto di Malaysia mayan bagus buatku yang notabene cuman pemula di DSLR :P

Gedung pas di depan gerbang Petaling Street
lensa kit 18-55 pada f/11
ISO 100 + Aperture priority + CPL filter

Gedung di seputaran Merdeka Square. Ada bercak di kiri atas + di atas bendera tengah :(
lensa kit 18-55 pada f/22
ISO 100 + Aperture priority

Well, the twin towers …
lensa kit 18-55 pada f/4
ISO 200 + manual + Tripod

Jika di Bangkok kemarin saya full menggunakan Sigma 30mm f/1.4 HSM, di Malaysia ini lebih sering menggunakan lensa kit-nya D40x (18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED II).  Tapi sempat juga beberapa kali  ganti lensa dengan Sigma dan pake tele Nikkor 55-200mm f/4-5.6 ED VR. Mungkin acara ganti-ganti lensa tanpa memperhatika “sanitasi” lingkungan ini yang membuat viewfinder/prisma Nikon saya kotor.


Travelling to KL

Well, I’m going to KL for short vacation :D
Me and Decy and some friends have made plan that this year we will backpacking outside Indonesia. And since about … err 3 months ago we’ve arranged everything. Plane ticket done, hotel voucher done … but from 5 people, only me and Decy will go travelling. Arrgghhhh the other 3 are just sux :P

3 months ago we decide to go to KL, because we’re boring with Singapore :P Ahahahahahahaha. Not really like that. It’s more because we had a cheap plane ticket fare to KL using Air Asia , and fortunatelly we also managed to book a hotel in Chinatown area. Hotels in Bukit Bintang area are fully booked. Pheww…

Well, packing is done but I need to recheck it again because this morning I thought I lost my wallet. I’m affraid it’s a bad sign … thank God I just forgot where to put it last night (after 1 hour stress looking for it all over the house :P)

I hope we will have nice weather there for taking pictures (plan to go to Malacca also)
And then not beathen up by those uneducated pasukan RELA for no reason. We’re tourists, not illegal immigrants :P

dah ah … :)

Me & Gundam

Me & a human size of Gundam Strike from Gundam Seed Destiny series :) There’s a big Gundam promo and exhibition from ZEN in CentralWorld Bangkok. Use entrance from Heineken stage (near the Xmas tree)

Today, Bangkok

Will be in Bangkok e.t.a 5 pm localtime. I’m having a traning about Local Roaming Number (LRN). Taking my D40x but leave my T60 at home :p
Hehehe, I think this is my first time going abroad without a Thinkpad in my backpack. I dont even bring any backpack :p I’m 2.5kg lighter hehehehe.
Unfortunatelly, my user just called, she want to launch a chrismast event end of this week. Hello, i’ve already ask about this since 2 months ago. Also reminded it again couple weeks to submit and finalize everything on first week of November. Why u call me 5 days before lauch date. Huhuhu they dont even informe me about timeline/schedule. The operational people will complain to my departement if they’re bypassed again. And now, cant do much without my Thinkpad hehehe :p And I’m not in the mood working after office hour from internet cafe. Wanna go hunting pictures. But I’ll fix your mess on friday. Ok? :p
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