[#31DaysofDecember] Day 3 – Something Old



This old vintage typewriter belong to the owner of the apartment where I stayed during my last visit to Paris. She said that this is her family heritage dated back to World War I.

The AEG logo there stand for Allgemeine Elektricitäts Gesellschaft, this company was founded at 1883. And I think that typewriter it self was made between 1920-1930. It’s working though, but i asked her to stop typing because I’m afraid there will be parts falling/broken :) It should be taken care very carefully.


and this is a rock version remake of vintage song Boys of Summer by Don Henley

[#31DaysofDecember] Day #1, Self Portrait


Hmmm, kadang ada satu titik di mana kamu ngerasa kering, kosong.
Your brain is kinda stuck there’s no idea come out
Your plans not working or maybe have no time to do the plans.
You feel like losing your sparks, the light is dimming out

Buat refreshing, saya coba mendisiplinkan diri deh untuk 31 hari ke depan.

Paling ga akan membuat 1 postingan tiap harinya

1 photo, 1 blog post a day :)

Di postingan terakhir instagram, saya ngasih caption lirik lagu Sky Full of Stars nya Coldplay yang saya plesetin dikit sesuai fotonya :) Nah berikut ini video klip lagu tersebut.