Story Of The Street

Story of The Street
it’s so exciting :)

It’s a simple zine about street photography. Me along with other 17 photographers from several cities collaborate to make this zine. Each of us put around 10 photos with various story.

Some of the photos above has selected to be included in the book.

For pre-order the book, you can contact Ridho @hobby_jalankaki or WA : (+62) 812-2317-8150.

Thanks to other fellow contributor of this book.

Rainy Days in Hong Kong through an iPhone 6

So, I flew to Hong Kong couple weeks ago to do some work. For me, Hong Kong is boring since there are only bricks, buildings, shopping, density, crowded, not so nice weather (for me).

Nevertheless, there are things which make Hong Kong keep interesting. It’s density, crowded people are nice subject for street photography.

But, it was raining everyday! And since i only had -literally- 1 afternoon and less then 9 hours the next day before my flight back to Jakarta, I don’t have much time to explore. Only manage to walk across Nathan road and some alley around it. Took ferry from Victoria Harbour to Hong Kong Island (roundtrip, twice! :P). And finally using Airport Express train from IFC mall to go airport.

Continue reading “Rainy Days in Hong Kong through an iPhone 6”

[#31DaysofDecember] 16 – Yellow


During my travel, I’ve seen colours in many shapes.

And this post is all ab out [label style=”yellow”]Yellow[/label]



 I’ve rarely seen this Orange Fanta. Glad to have one in Paris :)



Mailbox in Paris vs Sydney




[#31DaysOfDecember] Day 9 – Long Exposure



Di hari ke-9 ini saya memilih topik soal “Long Exposure

Saya bisa dibilang cukup jarang ngambil foto long exposure, lebih karena masalah meluangkan waktu saja sih. Motret light panning di jalanan Jakarta sebenarnya asyik juga kok :)

Cita-cita saya adalah motret bintang, star trail dengan kumpulan bintang bima sakti. Tahun depan berencana ke Semeru, semoga keturutan moto bintangnya. Selanjutnya adalah motret aurora, semoga ada kesempatan untuk traveling ke skandinavia dan bisa dapat foto aurora-nya :)

sydney_20141208173755_7137_xt1Foto di atas diambil dari daerah Cambell’s Cove seberang Sydney Opera House. Exposure time 30 detik, eh pas ada kapal lewat. Tapi efek light trail nya membuat seakan Opera House nya bergerak ala di film-film hehehehe. Not bad :)

Yang berikut ini standar foto kembang api, hand held *tangan pegel kabeh*.




Next time, bring a tripod. Small one is more than enough :)

This is Bo Bruce performing the original song ‘Alive’
Taken from her debut album, ‘Before I Sleep’. You might be more familiar with the remix version made by Gareth Emery called “U


[#31DaysofDecember] Day #1, Self Portrait


Hmmm, kadang ada satu titik di mana kamu ngerasa kering, kosong.
Your brain is kinda stuck there’s no idea come out
Your plans not working or maybe have no time to do the plans.
You feel like losing your sparks, the light is dimming out

Buat refreshing, saya coba mendisiplinkan diri deh untuk 31 hari ke depan.

Paling ga akan membuat 1 postingan tiap harinya

1 photo, 1 blog post a day :)

Di postingan terakhir instagram, saya ngasih caption lirik lagu Sky Full of Stars nya Coldplay yang saya plesetin dikit sesuai fotonya :) Nah berikut ini video klip lagu tersebut.