Last weekend I tried to prove that my coding skill is not dull yet.
At the same time, my staff wrote this in his FB timeline. OK, let’s make another kind of webapp, Bin :)
After spend some times reading the Firefox OS App for Dummy things and jquery documentations, I’ve decided to make one.
So here it is, iDanbo.
Previously I name it Pocket Danbo. Meh, too mainstream.
Let just call it iDanbo … i love Danbo :)
This little app will do a very simple task.
It gives you a collection with random Danbo photos. The source now is Instagram.
1. There are a lot of Danbo photo you could find in Instagram only
2. They have API
3. Square image, you dont have to make effort sizing the image :) Simply choose either 150×150, 306×306 or 612×612.
It’s passed the Firefox Marketplace Validator with no error. Next, register it to Marketplace ^_^
– It will hit the Instagram limit access at some point because I’m not authenticating the user
yeay :)