Idol 9-7-2004

Indonesian Idol Friday July 9, 2004 have sent Winda home. Kayanya sih show kemarin lebih semarak dari Jum’at minggu kemarin (2/7). Cuman kok pesertanya pada nyanyiin lagu-lagu lama, yang dirilis mungkin saat para peserta baru lahir. Hehehehehehehehe, mo bikin kesan 70s or 80s gitu kali yah.

Tapi yang jadi perhatianku masalah traffik SMSnya, kok patternnya malah turun banyak dibanding Jum’at minggu lalu (2/7) yah ? Padahal perkiraan malah akan naik ? EGP, ah. I just make sure that my system is running well, and it is. No problem at all. So, it’s the broadcaster job to re-package the show with batter … package :P They forget that most of Indonesian people like to watch the package as the first option.

It works !!!

Wow it’s work.
My SMS-Blogger module is working. Yeah … but where’s the title :( Why Blogger API 1.0 doesn’t have field for title :(

This is a test from Nokia 6600

Submit blog via SMS. Why not ?

Blogger APIWhat do you think about that ? I have think about that since the first day i registered my self to July 4th, 2004 (US Independece Day :P). Blogger Developers Network section catched my attention. Coz I’m a developer too hehehehehhehe. I’ve read the whole section. Atom and the API is interesting, but that’s not what I was looking for. It is Blogger APIBlogger API. This API is the thing I need to realize my plan. This API also I believe is being used by blogger client like w.bloggar to everything you type in the bloggar form to your blog site without login directly to Although that API will not be supported anymore by team coz they’ll now developing new robust API along with another blogging industry, Blogger API is the basic. That’s the point. And of course, I hope the new API can be published as soon as it finished. I’m waiting for that, coz there’s more than 80 blog provider have joined to make it happen. Open standard API for 23 Polls to XHP – eXpandable Home Page, including blogger.comBlogger, LiveJournal, HaloScan Commenting and so on.

The Blogger APIBlogger API is currently implemented for XML-RPC. There may be others some day.

These are the available methods:
blogger.newPost: Makes a new post to a designated blog. Optionally, will publish the blog after making the post.
blogger.editPost: Edits a given post. Optionally, will publish the blog after making the edit.
blogger.getUsersBlogs: Returns information on all the blogs a given user is a member of.
blogger.getUserInfo: Authenticates a user and returns basic user info (name, email, userid, etc.).
blogger.getTemplate: Returns the main or archive index template of a given blog.
blogger.setTemplate: Edits the main or archive index template of a given blog.

Hmmm, hehehehhehehehe *grin*. Later I could posting my blog anywhere without connecting to the internet :)

Friday Task :: Indonesian Idol

Inget Indonesian Idol jadi inget Rara. Iyah, dia ga pernah ngirim formulir apapun, bahkan alamat pendaftaran audisi ajah ga tau eh tiba-tiba ada satu amplop gede surat undangan audisi Indonesian Idol datang ke rumahnya. Tapi audinya di Jakarta sementara Rara di Makassar :P Well anyway, RCTI kayanya ingin mengekor kesuksesan AFI-nya Indosiar yang mampu menduduki tangga rating (bukan lagu) acara TV favorit pemirsa. 2 sekuelnya sukses berat, dan bikin gue kerja berat juga tiap Sabtu. Pop Stars ga gitu “greng” di TransTV, tapi AFI langsung heboh sejak mendekati final di episode pertamanya. AFI2 langsung menggebrak sejak peserta mulai tinggal 10 orang. Yang gue maksud di sini adalah dari traffik SMS yang masuk untuk voting.

Bagaimana dengan Indonesian Idol ?

Kalau melihat antusiasnya masyarakat Indonesia waktu menyaksikan American Idol yang di babak final menyuguhkan Clay Aiken vs Ruben Studdard, pihak penyelenggara berharap bisa meraup untung dari SMS lebih dari apa yang didapat oleh Indosiar+Visitel lewat AFI1+AFI2. 1 Million SMS in just 2 hours. In Indonesia. Come on… Awalnya gue cuman bisa bengong ala Kenshin “Ara? 1 jeti in 2 hours?”
Razi just smilin.

Show pertama, acara pre-eliminasi kalo di AFI garing abis. Tapi krn promo di RCTI lumayan gencar, traffiknya juga lumayan. Adi Infokom sampe kaget liat traffik yang begitu tinggi dibanding aplikasi infokom lainnya. Gue cuman bisa nyeletuk “Cak, segitu sih masih rata-rata. Belum tinggi hehehehehe”. Tapi yang jelas dari Telkomsel porsinya hampir 60%. Jum’at ke-2, ke-3 dan seterusnya traffiknya terjun bebas. Drop abis ? Why ? Karena acaranya garing. Mending lihat ulasan Euro2004. Aku sih dah ngomong ke Adi Infokom buat ubah format acaranya. Oke lah sistem votingnya tetap jam 8-10, tapi harus ada bumbu diluar itu. Mestinya berkaca ama sukses Indosiar mengemas AFI, jangan idealis pake bilang kalo Idol itu segmennya buat kalangan menengah ke atas. Kalo AFI tuh krn berasal dari La Academia Mexico, negara berkembang maka targetnya = kalangan menengah ke bawah. Bullshit. Presiden Indonesia ajah kalah terkenal vs Veri AFI. Capres ajah rela jual malu buat numpang nampang kampanye di final AFI2.

Menjelang spektakuler show di balai sarbini, RCTI sepertinya mulai menyisipkan slide-slide tentang profile 11 orang yang akan muncul di sana. Tentang peserta cewe yang dengan kemampuan vokalnya bisa sampe ke luar negeri, atau ada yg dulu pengurus osis dll dll dll. Hasilnya ? Jum’at 2 Juli kemarin, show pertama di balai sarbini bisa dibilang sukses. Traffik SMS pun melonjak drastis sampe 30x dari Juma’at seminggu sebelumnya walo masih di bawah show awal 28 Mei 2004 yang lalu.

Bagaimana dengan hari ini ?

I dont know, and I dont care about the show. I just hope SMS traffic will be increase, better than a week ago. And I have to make sure that data transfer from Telkomsel – So Close, So RealTelkomsel to Infokom is running well. Why ? Coz at least 50% of voters are Telkomsel – So Close, So RealTelkomsel‘s subscribers. Like it or not, we provide the best infrastructure for these kind of shows. Every Saturday, I monitor the AFI traffic with the AFI’s content provider. They said SATC is the worse, lack of support. There’s nobody answer the call when problems happen. Their traffic is not quite big also :P

In my opinion, Indonesian Idol singers are more talented than AFI. That’s the fact and that’s why AFI3 did something different in the pre-elimination stage. 12 people who will go to the next round will be chosen by the judges, not the viewers. So, I hope – and maybe they hope also- that everybody who will go to the next round is qualified.

We’ll see

i will fly

You know all the things i’ve said
You know all the things that we have done
And things I gave to you
If there’s a chance for me to say
How precious you are in my life
And you know that is true

To be with you is all that I need
Coz with you my life seems brighter
and these are all the things I wanna say

I will fly into your arms
And be with you till the end of time
Why are you so far away
You know it’s very hard for me to get my self close to you

You’re the reason why I stay
You’re the one who can not believe
Our love will never end
Is it only in my dream ?
You’re the one who can not see this
How could you be so blind

To be with you is all that I need
Coz with you my life seems brighter
And these are all the things I wanna say

ten to five .. jam kantor :P hehehehehhe, coba yah bisa kaya gitu ..