Jakarta underwater

An overnight rain has put Jakarta into ‘chaos’ today. Flood everywhere. It reaches 90cm or more in some area.
International airport has been closed down. Flights are either delayed, cancel or rerouted. No trains available.
“Serahkan pada ahlinya”? Yea right.
It’s just a big f bullshit. Jakarta has too many “ahli”, but the only expert they have is just …. Talking :p NATO, no action talk only. Some of them even talking nonsense and sell concepts which are rubbish. And it’s happening for years.
Mr.President, it’s time to move the capital city. Our 1st president has also came up with this idea like decades ago. But if you still like to swim during flood, not feeling humiliated for having underwater capital city, then whatever.

2 Replies to “Jakarta underwater”

  1. sebenernya banyak orang pinter di indonesia,
    cuma ga ktauan, yang ktauan cuma yang bedon dan NATO itu tadi

    buktinya ajha, mo buat jalur *baswey* , tapi koq tata kota sama pembangunan jalan tidak diperbaiki terlebih dahulu.
    yang ada malah tumpang tindih, tambal sulam. ya ancur..
    apalagi kalo ujan trus menerus..ya hanyut ^^

    “big f bullshit”
    f nya apa mas? fuckin’? :D

  2. @bebex … samting laik det lah :D wakakakakakaka
    *siapin kecap untuk bumbu bebex goreng*

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