Long Lost Friends

world is indeed so small :P

Last night i worked overtime (again … ) doing system migration from one data center to another. Feel a little bit boring, so i logged in to my friendster. Read messages, send birthday cards, etc etc. Then i search for whoever graduated from SD Banjararum 3. So I choosed search by school, enter Banjararum as keyword and then the list came out .. about 3 pages.
My eyes bumped into a nickname which was so familiar. Zubeth. Check on her profile, same SD, same SMP. Check on her age, yah .. it should be her. Then i sent her a message to confirm.
This morning i got reply … it is her !!!! wahahahahahaha. Zubethhhhh (it as Jubeth actually) how are you, Sis ? Last time we met should be in 94 .. the day we graduated from SMPN 01 Singosari. So it’s about 13 years now.
Gosh, just after i sent you that message, i feel like having flash back to the days in SD and SMP :)
FYI, Jubeth was always be number #1 in SD since 4th – 6th grade if i’m not mistaken. Bener ga, Beth ? Heuehueuehuehueu *yawn*
Did some research …
Zubeth aka Zubaidah Ningsih AS, Ssi … Dosen Kimia FMIPA Unibraw. Now she’s in School of Chemistry Melbourne University for a scholarship, i guess. Right, Beth?

Eww, i think i will continue sleeping now :P