Mudik The Series: Day #5 JJS

Sore ini berbekal motor Kawasaki Blitz pinjeman, saya kelayapan dari Singosari ke kota. Pas depan PLN Blimbing eh tau-tau ujan. Langsung deh menepi. Eh udah gitu ujannya langsung brenti berganti grimis kecil biasa. Ngeledek deh.
Ke Matos bentar utk beliin adik sepatu, trus cabut ke alun-alun.

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About nuri

Hi, i am Nuri. Just another IT guy working on fintech and telco at Jakarta, Indonesia. While tech stuff became my daily breakfast, i also love to travel around the globe and taking photos also. I DJ on my spare time while dealing with any mess my 9 cats made at home :)

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  1. Pingback: Mudik The Series, Season 3 — nuri!123

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