Today, Bangkok

Will be in Bangkok e.t.a 5 pm localtime. I’m having a traning about Local Roaming Number (LRN). Taking my D40x but leave my T60 at home :p
Hehehe, I think this is my first time going abroad without a Thinkpad in my backpack. I dont even bring any backpack :p I’m 2.5kg lighter hehehehe.
Unfortunatelly, my user just called, she want to launch a chrismast event end of this week. Hello, i’ve already ask about this since 2 months ago. Also reminded it again couple weeks to submit and finalize everything on first week of November. Why u call me 5 days before lauch date. Huhuhu they dont even informe me about timeline/schedule. The operational people will complain to my departement if they’re bypassed again. And now, cant do much without my Thinkpad hehehe :p And I’m not in the mood working after office hour from internet cafe. Wanna go hunting pictures. But I’ll fix your mess on friday. Ok? :p
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4 Replies to “Today, Bangkok”

  1. waduhhh sori banget derry
    gue ga sempet motret ladyboy yg jadi favorit kamu hehehehehe
    abis maennya cuman ke MBK ama dari satu vihara ke vihara laen :p
    lagian elo obsesi ama cw normal aja napa siy ? *siyul2 maem cumi bakar asam manis khas thailand*

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