Jakarta 9/9 – Detik.com Mabok

Wah wah wah wah wah.
Kanal komunikasi penuh mulai ponsel hingga situs dengan hits tertinggi di Indonesia (pa lagi kalo ada peristiwa-peristiwa kaya gini) detik.com ….

Yang bisa diakses cuman index.htm nya doang baik di jkt1.detik.com maupun jkt2.detik.com. Pas follow linknya langsung deh mampus … Error Loading + Connection refused.

Mereka perlu bikin load balancer lebih banyak lagi kayanya ….

Jakarta 9/9 – EXPLOSION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is not Haru’s sword in manga/anime Rave. It’s not a joke ! It’s the real explosion man !!!! Big explosion near my office. All news say that the explosion is suspected came from Australian Embassy. What the hell ?

The sound of the explosion reach Blok M (about 7KM far from the “hotzone”), and the smoke … wow, it’s like I’m watching hollywood war movies. White, big, and flow higher than JW Marriot building

Ada apa dengan Blogger.com

seharian kemarin coba post soal Cak Munir tapi ga muncul2 di blog gue.

hmmmm something wrong, postingnya masuk tapi ga bisa dipublish baik dari tool diluar blogger.com maupun via web editornya … blahhh :P

tapi untung pagi ini waktu gue re-pubish lagi thread ttg Cak Munir muncul …

tapi telat 2 hari deh jadinya

Selamat jalan, Cak Munir

Seorang Arema yang berprestasi, terutama di bidang kemanusiaan telah pergi untuk selamanya. Seorang tokoh muda yang tegar dan bernyali besar melebihi besar tubuhnya sendiri. Seorang yang teguh mempertahankan komitmen dan idealismenya untuk memperjuangkan masyarakat sipil. Selama ini, Munir yang menjadi ikon dari pejuang demokrasi, kerap bersuara kritis terhadap penindasan, kekerasan negara dan ketidakadilan melalui LSM Kontras dan YLBHI (Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia).

Derita yang dia hadapi, teror, intimidasi, ancaman pembunuhan dan lain sebagainya adalah bagian hidup dia dan keluarganya sebagai konsekuensi keteguhannya menjadi pejuang hak asasi manusia di negeri yang nyaris hancur ini. Buah perjuangan Munir salah satunya adalah reformasi di negara ini. Yah mungkin kata reformasi itu masih jadi bahan cibiran orang karena emang belum seperti gambaran para mahasiswa waktu menduduki gedung MPR dan melengserkan orang gede saat itu. Tapi kita ga bisa ingkar akan kebebasan bicara dan mulai menipisnya peran militer dalam kekuasaan negara. Paling ngga ia bukan penguasa absolut lagi di negeri ini. Terungkapnya kasus Marsinah di Jawa Timur pada awal 90’an lalu juga salah satu hasil kerja kerasnya.

Orang baik dan menjadi yang terbaik di bidangnya seringkali dipanggil terlebih dahulu oleh Sang Khalik semisal Baharudin Lopa

Selamat jalan, Cak Munir.

Human rights in the sense of human solidarity has created a new universal and equal language going beyond racial, gender, ethnic or religious boundaries. That is why we consider it a doorway to dialogue for people of all socio-cultural groups and all ideologies.” – Munir, The Livelihood Award 2000


Matsuri is a song composed by Kitaro. Matsuri means festival And i start to listening again to his songs for the last week. This is will be my Kitaro Month. I feel peace and relax when listening to his songs. Never heard about Kitaro? Ok, I’ll try to make a bried introduction about him to you.

Kitaro was born as Masanori Takahashi Feb 4th, 1953 in Japan in a little town called Toyohashi. He started to play electric guitar in a band called “Albatros” at high school. Most of the songs were written by Kitaro, both lyrics and melodies. Later in the -60s he started a band called ” Far East Family Band” where he played keyboard. They made two rock albums.

In 1972 he visited Europe for the first time, and there he met Klaus Schulze, who was a real virtuoso on the synthesizer. He also met “Tangerine Dream”, one of the first bands in the “New Age” style. It was now Kitaro discovered all the fantastic qualities of a great synthesizer! ” With that I can create all kinds of atmospheres! I can create the sea, the wind, everything!” And that’s what he has done on every album he has made!

His first solo effort, Astral Voyage, was released in 1978 and was well recieved by cult followers. Later he produced the Silk Road soundtracks, a Japanese Television Documentary Series. His gentle, lush, and majestic melodies show his ability to embody the human spirit in his music. He created his albums in the privacy of his home studio near Mt. Fuji, Japan. Kitaro prefers to call his music simply ” spiritual” and says ” Feeling is the most important element in my music. ”

By the mid ’80s, he was still cosidered an underground artist in America, until he was picked up by Geffen Records in 1986. The next year, Mickey Hart, of The Greatful Dead, helped Kitaro with the release of, The Light of the Spirit, which was nominated for the Best New-Age Performance Grammy Award, and he made his first North American Live Tour.

Somewhere in the late ’80s or early ’90s, Kitaro’s style had changed, more theatrical and assertive, while still possessing a certain level of innocence and purity. Kitaro has lived in the United States fot the past five years now, on a 180-acre spred outside Boulder, Colorado in his 2500-square-foot home studio, ( “It’s large enough to hold a 70-piece orchestra — big enough for me! ” he chuckles). All though he loves his country of Japan and his origins, he left due to a dislike of the new government and their attitudes of socialism and the distruction of artists’ creativity. He does however, return each year to the foot of Mt. Fuji to perform the ritual drum ceremoney, he started in 1983. In this ritual, from sunrise to sunset, he beats towering Taiko drums so passionately that his hands often bleed.

He was honored with “The Golden Globe Award” for the soundtrack of “Heaven and Earth“, an Oliver Stone movie. He has been nominated for the “Grammy Award” several times, the latest in ’99 for “Gaia/Onbashira“.

These are my KItaro collection, only got 2 CDs that i bought at 1997 from album Dream and Live in America:p

Jirachi, The Wishmaker

Last night, i watched this movie. Pokemon Jirachi: The Wishmaker on my laptop. The sixth Pokémon feature may well rank as the most satisfying entry in the series because the filmmakers avoid the overblown threats of the earlier films.

Ash and Brock are joined not by Misty, but by May and her little brother Max, on a trip to a festival. Butler the magician and his assistant Diane introduce them to Jirachi, a wish-granting Pokémon that emerges every thousand years, when the Millennium Comet appears in the sky.

Max and Jirachi quickly bond. Butler tries to exploit the energy Jirachi receives from the comet to regenerate an extinct Pokémon. He accidentally creates a monster that Ash, Max, and Jirachi have to defeat, but it’s not the kind of world-threatening menace that throw the previous Pokémon features out of balance. I always like all series of Pokemon Movie. Hehehehehehehe, there’s so many cute creatures inside. And when you heart pikachu screaming, mumbling, talking to another pokemons … hehehehehe the voice is so cute :P

This DVD comes with extras, including “Gotta Dance!”, involving Meowth and a magical wand that makes Pokemon dance to “Polka O Dolka” (Japanese name). Can Pikachu and friends save the captured Whismur, and themselves at the same time? It’s funny watching them run after each other and then suddenly stop to dance together and after that they start chasing each other again :P

Also, the DVD contains a music video of “Make a Wish”, the ending song, which is sung by Asuca Hayashi. She sang “Chiisaki Mono”, which is the ending song for the Japanese version of “Jirachi Wish Maker”. Cool song