#WikuFest3 – Komposisi – Framing

Masih meneruskan cerita paska #Wikufest3 (ga kerasa sudah seminggu yah? ^_^) dan terinspirasi fotonya Ardi Winata di Facebook.

Kali ini saya coba nulis tentang salah satu teknik komposisi yang biasa disebut sebagai Framing.

we not only can fix your computer and program but also we can fix basketball ring #arek_basket #benakno_ringbasket – photo copyright Ardi Winata 

Foto pada dasarnya memiliki paling tidak 2 elemen. Foreground dan background.
Nah Framing -berasal dari kata Frame yg terjemehannya adalah bingkai- adalah memanfaatkan elemen foreground untuk membingkai elemen background dari foto kita.

Yang diharapkan dari Framing ini apa sih?
Well, banyak pendapat sih cuman kira-kira dengan Framing sang fotografer ingin menggiring pemirsa secara dramatis langsung ke obyek utama fotonya. Seperti melihat dari balik tirai atau pintu yang sedikit terbuka.
Ada juga yang berpendapat bahwa dengan framing tidak hanya menggiring mata pemirsa langsung ke obyek foto tapi juga membuatnya lebih lama melihat/memperhatikan si obyek itu sendiri.

Jadi harus cari pigura nih kaya foto-foto yang dipasang ditembok?

Literally no, but in context yes.

Kita bisa menggunakan apa saja untuk nge-frame foto kita. Mulai bentuk-bentuk geometri (pigura foto :P jendela, pilar/tiang, pegangan gelas, dsb) sampai ranting pohon atau bahkan badan manusia. Tergantung kreatifitas kita saja.

Sama seperti foto Ardi Winata di atas, saya juga manfaatin pepohonan di sekitarnya untuk framing Great Pagoda of Peace di bawah ini.

The Great Pagoda of Peace – Naritasan Shinshoji
Narita City – Japan

Satu lagi, saya manfaatin Yofie dan Rara yang sedang diskusi sambil nunggu Dwi Hardy yang sedang asik dengan ponselnya berhenti di belakang mereka. Dengan bukaan lensa di f/2.8 plus kebetulan ga ada yang seliweran di depan mereka jadilah foto yang saya inginkan :)

FSA Indonesia in action :)

Nah yang terakhir ini kami sedang naik trem di San Fransisco. Eriska berada di dalam, sedangkn saya di bagian belakang (sengaja milih ke sini biar bisa motret jalanan di belakang trem). Nah pas posisi tangan para penumpang kayanya cukup menarik dengan Eriska diujung sana jadi kelintas ide. Setelah nunggu bentar, saya cukup dengan ngucapin 2 kata saja untuk membuat Eriska noleh.

“Eriska…. wekkkk”

Walau nyaris terjungkal dan dimarahin sopir trem, jadilah foto ini. Adik minion yang tadinya bertampang kecapekan karena diajak jalan kaki ke sana kemari akhirnya bisa tersenyum juga :)

She’s so cute isn’t she? :)

Weekkk :P

Nah, gampang kan?
Yuk mari sama-sama berlatih framing buat minggu ini. Apa saja bisa kita manfaatkan lho untuk framing :)
Malah kalo mo agak ekstrim coba bikin foto ala film Inception.
Analoginya kalo Inception kan dream withing dreams. Di sini coba bikin frame dalam frame, jadi foto kita kesannya hmmm apa yah istilahnya?
It’s like having sense of depth and layers :)

Baca juga tulisan mengenai komposisi di postingan saya sebelumnya :)

#Wikufest3 Photo Contest – The Story

Wall-E and Wide/Macro Lens
Wall-E and Wide/Macro Lens

Selamat buat para pemenang #Wikufest3 Photo Contest.

Buat yang ga menang jangan berkecil hati, ini bukan lomba serius kok.
Saya mengadakannya just for fun dan yang penting adalah media bagi kita semua untuk belajar bersama mengenai fotografi. Dan ternyata banyak yang hobi atau tertarik dengan fotografi di kampus Moklet Malang ini :)

Nah kembali ke pemilihan para pemenang. Kenapa saya memilih mereka? Niatnya sih ngebahas sambil ngumumin pemenangnya. Tapi apa daya ga bisa terlaksana karena jadwal #Wikufest3 hari ke-2 mendadak penuh perubahan plus cuaca yang sangat tidak mendukung pula. Tapi ada beberapa sempat dibahas di ruang Mozilla (saya tersandera hu hu hu hu :P)

Ada beberapa catatan yang perlu saya sampaikan terlebih dahulu

  • Ini subyektif dari sudut pandang saya
  • Saya bukan fotografer profesional
  • Semua foto saya asumsikan diambil dengan kamera ponsel/tablet
  • Kembali ke paragraf awal, it’s just for fun to learn about photography together.

Kemudian dari banyaknya foto yang masuk (peserta mungkin tidak banyak-banyak amat), untuk memilihnya saya menggunakan beberapa kriteria. Diantaranya

  • Ketajaman fokus (dari semua foto yang masuk, saya berasumsi semuanya emang ga berniat moto blur)
  • Komposisi foto
  • Kreatifitas (dalam hal konsep fotonya)

Dari poin ketajaman fokus sudah cukup membantu untuk menyaring foto. Foto yang ga fokus biasanya diambil di kondisi pencahayaan yang tidak ideal (sore/malam) dan karena teorinya kalo mo bikin foto tajam harus long shutter, banyak kamera yang tidak bisa melakukan ini. Belum lagi motonya handheld, maka potensi goyang tinggi (belum lagi kalo lagi cuaca dingin berangin trus dikitikin pacar, amburadul deh) :)

Contoh foto-foto dari Rahman Kurniadi.
Foto konser, kantor pos, dcost dan foto ibu-ibu PKK itu jelas blur karena handshake. Jadi yah harus dipinggirkan dulu.
Sebab lain dari foto blur/out of fokus bisa jadi karena fitur “autofocus” di camera-app yang digunakan tidak bekerja sesuai dengan yang kita mau. Asumsi saya Rahman niatnya foto di earbud-nya, cuman entah kenapa fokus kok malah ke sisi kiri atas earbud nya. Mungkin si camera-app ngitung daerah situ lebih kontras, jadi fokusnya di sana.
Belum lagi kalo camera-app nya ga cukup canggih meteringnya (plus ga ada opsi pula buat kita untuk mengatur meteringnya) jadilah foto yang overexposure (kelewat terang) atau malah underexposure (kelewat gelap) seperti beberapa fotonya @HattaZakka

Kemudian komposisi.
Ga ada aturan sih komposisi yang bagus itu harus seperti apa. Tapi ada beberapa teknik yang bisa kita pakai. Yang paling sering kesebut biasanya Rule of Thirds, simplicity seperti fotonya Intania (i luv this one), komposisi landscape, maenan kontras, maenan garis, framing dan masih banyak lagi.

Foto sepatu dari @intaniasyifa dengan anggiebel. Menurut saya foto intania lebih ‘dramatis’, penempatan sepatu di pinggir, nyisain ruang kosong(negative space) di depannya plus motif lantainya yang seperti itu. Makanya saya usul  kalau diubah ke b/w (kan banyak tuh apps nya) jadinya bakal seperti apa. Tinggal nanya @intaniasyifa sih hasilnya n lebih suka yang mana :)

@junitapristi cukup kreatif dengan nyoba-nyoba foto low angle. Moto kan ga harus dari depan obyek, dari atas-bawah bahkan belakang juga bisa :)

danbo galau, malu difoto dari depan :P

Sementara @ribekkk juga unik fotonya manfaatin jepitan jemuran :) Seriusly, coba bikin bertema deh Bek. Misal tiap minggu satu foto jepitan + quotes (kertasnya bisa diutak atik juga tempat jepitnya). Kalo saya bawa Danbo, kamu bisa bawa jepitan + tali + kertas kemana-mana :P

Kemudian ada kesimpulan yang saya dapatkan setelah melihat-lihat foto yang diikutsertakan lomba ini.
Peserta cewek foto-fotonya secara ga sadar mengarah ke perspektif garis. Jadi obyeknya bisa lebih tampil (exposed)
Peserta cowok foto-fotonya lebih ke spontanitas, ada moment langsung jepret. Cuman saya jadinya bingung, PoV/PoI yang dimaksud fotografenya yang mana yah? (ini saya ajah yang bingung, orang lain belum tentu).


Misal fotonya Rahman (sori ya bro, ga ada maksud lain kok *pizzz*) yang bianglala itu. Tajam, biru langitnya bagus, cuman campur aduk dengan pagar (cafe?), mobil, rombong dll. Andaikan ponselnya justru diletakkan di atas pagar, viewnya ke arah bianglala (mau full circle atau setengah lingkaran) dengan gunung sebagai background di horizonnya, trus bikin siluet (manfaatin panasnya matahari) mungkin hasilnya akan beda. Yah kembali ini pendapat pribadi saya, dan karena cowok lebih impulsif apa yang di depan mata langsung ajah dipotret :)

Yang terakhir sih mungkin kurang fair –ini soal right man with the right tools sih– adalah keterbatasan perangkat. Kamera di ponsel-nya Daniar jelas kalah kelas dengan milik Rafikartika. *Balik nunjuk ke paragraf-paragraf atas* Tapi right tools kalo ga ditangan right man (and woman) ya hasilnya akan sama ajah. Emang kinclong kameranya Galaxy S4, plus Rafikartika cara ngambil foto-foto bunganya bagus. Sepertinya suka maenan DoF nih :)

rafikartika 20130901_152425
by @afi031… nice colours :)

Foto yang di submit @RenoLaks banyakan soal landscape pas dia lagi camping (bener kan bro?). Foto jamurnya warnanya unik, cuman saya nyari komposisinya dulu ajah deh. Warnanya terlalu banyak editan, saya pribadi lebih suka yang orisinal atau mendekati orisinal (alasan ngeles karena ga gape maenan sotosop buat edit foto). Tapi ga apa-apa, ini kan part of creativity juga :) Komposisi landscape dan kalo dianalogikan, fotonya banyak garis-garis .


Lesson learned

  • mari kita kenali device kita masing-masing. apa kelebihannya, apa kekurangannya
  • coba kita tentukan dulu Point of View/Point of Interest dari foto kita itu apa supaya penikmat foto kita juga bisa mengerti dan tidak mempunyai persepsi yang berbeda
  • mari iseng-iseng latian berbagai teknik komposisi dan temukan gaya kalian masing-masing :)




these are some photos of Danbo & friends i made using my iPhone + things around my desk
the theme is Five For Fighting’s song with title “Superman (It’s Not Easy)”

been carrying danbo (literally) everywhere for about … 3-4 years (^_^)
i hope i’ll be more creative and able to produce more stunning danbo photos :)



i cant stand to fly....
I can’t stand to fly

I'm not that Naive
I’m not that naïve
I’m just out to find
The better part of me

I’m more than a bird,
I’m more than a plane
I’m more than some pretty face beside a train
It’s not easy to be me

I wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
‘Bout a home I’ll never see

I'm not that Naive
It may sound absurd but don’t be naïve
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed but won’t you concede
Even Heroes have the right to dream
And it’s not easy to be me

Up, up and away, away from me
Well, it’s alright
You can all sleep sound tonight
I’m not crazy or anything

I can’t stand to fly
I’m not that naïve
Men weren’t meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

I’m only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
I'm not that Naive
Looking for special things inside of me
Inside of me, inside of me [2x]

I’m only a man in a funny red sheet
I’m only a man looking for her dream
I’m only a man in a funny red sheet
It’s not easy.
It’s not easy to be me…..

it's not easy, to be me .....



ok, why Superman?

Well it’s because i just watched Superman: Man of Steel  at IMAX Gandaria City :P
Sorry Ip for using your picture profile, what can be better than that? :P hehehehehe

[SF Trip] Downtown San Francisco in less than 8 hours


Afternoon already, we have no much time to explore The City by the Bay.
We didn’t even have enough time to find and buy some souvenirs nor have a proper dinner :( So lets go through the checklist then.

  1. Union Square
    The area got its name because it was once used for rallies and support for the Union Army during the American Civil War, earning its designation as a California Historical Landmark.There is a wide variety of hotels, cafes, bars, restaurants, shops, etc., that are unique to San Francisco. In Union Square you will have a mix of locals, business travellers and vacationers. It’s like a transit area. Transportation is quite easy in here because you have subway or bus stations around you.It’s also an expensive area. You can see famous brand stores/restaurants in every corner. It’s like a collections of department stores, upscale boutiques, gift shops, art galleries, and beauty salons in the United States.And what we did there was … enjoy the afternoon, when the sun is calming down, warm with cool breeze, watching the activities around the square.

    After that, @Rara79 need to find a post office to buy postcards and stamps. So we go to Macy’s coz it has one. Nope, we didn’t buy anything, see the keyword “expensive”. Need to save more bucks for other things he he he he.Chinatown actually is about 1-2 blocks away, perfect place for hunting souvenirs in a budget. But like I said, we don’t have time to go there.

  2. Cable Car
    This is a must have attraction my list. So we took one next to Macy’s down to the Fisherman’s Wharf. It’s nice ride actually, but since the cable cars was kind of full, i only got a place at the rear. The best spot at the front and side of the car have already been taken :(

    There are some souvenir shops around here. It’s cheap, sort of. Well you could have 5-7 postcards for only $1 before tax. Some key chains and many other stuff. I’m sure you’ll get cheaper and more options in Chinatown.

  3. Fisherman’s Wharf
    Fisherman’s Wharf gets its name and neighborhood characteristics from the city’s early days during the Gold Rush when Italian immigrant fishermen settled in the area and fished for the Dungeness crab. From then until the present day it remained the home base of San Francisco’s fishing fleet.It’s getting dark when we arrived, so basically we spent very short time here. Just walking around the corner, we miss the chance to see the sea lion, only watching the Alcatraz (closed due to the government shutdown).In addition we (me actually) also need to catch the time to take photos of the golden gate bridge at sunset. Since we taking bus will take forever to go there, just missed the sunset taking a taxi was the only option.
  4. Golden Gate
    You are not in San Francisco if not visit the Golden Gate . That’s what we did, visit the 76 years old bridgeNobody warned us that the wind around the bridge was so cold. I should have known about that when I was at same situation at Eiffel and The Great Wall.So, my camera remote were basically dead coz the battery was too cold to operate. It also needed a moment to set up the gear for long exposure shot properly. I just couldn’t stand the cold wind and it made everything worse since i have to push the shutter manually with my trembling cold hand :(Don’t have much time since the taxi meter is still running.

    After spending about 15 minutes around the bridge, I’ve got nothing worth to be published :( With a huge disappointment, I ask the taxi driver to take us to Pier 39.

  5. Hard Rock Cafe SF at Pier 39
    I went here because one of my colleague asking me to buy a city tee for his collection. Bought some souvenirs also for people at #Room41. It’s dark, it’s windy and we’re hungry. Dinner around here is quite costly, so we took Finnan suggestion to go back to fisherman’s wharf.The food stall mentioned by Finnan was closed already, so we pick random restaurant.Geez, the American food portion is crazy!!I ordered normal pasta (well just look the menu and it seems to be face for me to eat) with a shrimp salad as appetiser. Haven’t finish it yet when the pasta came.
    OMG, the plate is like 30cm long (no, not you @naivee) with 2 chicken fillets size of my palm each. It’s for 2-3 people here!!

After dinner, me @Rara79 and @Eriskatp back to the Caltrain Station to get the last train back to Santa Clara. It’s a day that we spent most of the time on foot. I hope my lil sis Eriska was not feeling tortured. Well this is the way we enjoy the new place. Sorry sis, but I’ve warned you before he he he he.

Moral of the story:

  • Start explore downtown SF early in the morning since most of the place are nice to be visited before night time (IMO).
  • Try to be the first cable car in queue, so start from the Market Street, pick the best seat.
  • Better rent a car to go to Golden Gate area and spend enough time there specially for composing the photograph you want.

as usual you can find more photos in my [button color=’pink’ size=’small’ link=’http://flickr.com/photos/nuri_abidin/’]flickr[/button] account :).

Also feel free to leave your comment here ^_^

[SF Trip] Visiting Mozilla Space San Francisco

mozspacesf-logo7 Oct 2013, Summit over the night before. Most of us will fly back home, back to daily routine office, college, shool etc. Some will spend another day or two just for sight seeing. Let say, Jan from Holland going to surf at Santa Cruz, Ash’kary from Bangladesh have a road trip to east coast.

Me? I’ll be spend a day at San Francisco with the girls (@rara79 & @eriskatp) First stop is Mozilla Office San Francisco, @rara79 has appointment with Emily (the one from WPR tables next to Mozilla Indonesia table in MozFair day #1).

It’s kind of late. Based on my checklist we should go to SF from Santa Clara CalTrain station maximum at 9am. We board at the train around 11am. And the first thing cross my mind when inside the train is … Source Code movie. Also met Rizki from Yogya at the train.

CalTrain took about 1hr 30min from Santa Clara to SF and cost you about $9. From SF Caltrain Station we need to take a cable train to get to Mozilla SF office at Harrison St. Cost you about $2.

The weather was perfect (OK, it’s lil bit chill) for walking down the street. MozSpace at SF is nice, I wish that someday we could have one at Indonesia.

Met Emily, have a little tour inside. Josh already busy with lines code in his big monitor screen. William playing pingpong at 7th floor :) The view from this floor is amazing. I’m willing to stay overnight almost every night with this view :P I can imagine it’s getting prettier in the afternoon with all the lamps around the bridge and the building around.

From MozSpace SF, we go to Twitter office. Another $2 using subway.

That’s all for MozSpaceSF visit, as usual you can find more photos in my [button color=’blue’ size=’small’ link=’http://flickr.com/photos/nuri_abidin/’]flickr[/button] account :)

Mozilla Summit Stories:

Side Story:

Mozilla Summit 2013 – Day 03

In the previous posts (in Bahasa Indonesia but i’ll post the english version if you want it) you might feel that i’m trying to write a report about the summit. Well I did try, but actually it’s more to sharing my feeling, the exiting being in the summit and the whole topic in the last 3 days. The new tech that most of them I barely know, the people, the project, the cause, the vision, the values of Mozilla and being a Mozillian and so on

This is it, the last day of the summit.
Felt like it was just yesterday the summit begun. There are still many people i’d like to meet, talk, discuss and plenty of things need to be learnt. But more important is i need to contribute more. And join more groups also :)

Therefore I specifically attend the SuMo (Support Mozilla) class to meet Rosana and Madalina, the wonderwomen behind SuMo Projects and the other fellow SuMo as well. Andi @belutz and @rara79 also join this class. I’ll make the post about it later.

In the afternoon, we had a visit to Mozilla HQ at Castro Street, Mountain View lead by Pascal Finette. It was only for the first 50 person who signed up but i think we had excess passenger :P So, 50 people using the bus, the other 2 or 3 people taking taxi he he he.

After the closing speech, this summit end with a dance party where Gen Kanai being the DJ that night and played a lot of nice music :)

As usual, you can view the rest of the photos on my flickr
Mozilla Summit Stories:

Side Story: