It Takes a Long Time To Grow Young

Tanggal 11 kemarin seorang teman merayakan ulang tahunnya dan entah kenapa yang keingat di kepala adalah kalimat di atas yang saya jadikan ucapan selamat ulang tahunnya :) Beberapa hari ini di otak saya berseliweran kalimat-kalimat aneh yang saya ga ingat pernah baca di mana.

And it feeling absurd when you have to google something you’ve been said :) Yah, @aniseddit said it was “the most unique statement” in her birthday :P

It Takes a Long Time To Grow Young ~ Picasso

Jadi gini ceritanya, ulang tahun itu identik dengan bertambahnya umur = bertambah tuanya seseorang. And it’s something for somebody. Kalo saya? Saya pingin terus merasa muda, bersemangat, penuh dengan energi tiap hari. Energi dan semangat adalah bahan bakar kreatifitas :) Dan kreatifitas sering kita lihat di dalam diri anak-anak.

It is not like I want to be a kid again, but I wanna try to reconnect the dots from my youth time and be more present to the expreiences of life. Ingatlah masa kecil (oke deh, masa muda) kita dulu. Kalo ga karena impian, cita-cita masa kecil dulu kita ga akan menjadi seperti sekarang ini. Oke deh mungkin ga 100% sama seperti impian masa kecil, tapi bukan itu konteksnya :)

Kalo kita ingat masa kecil dulu mungkin kita akan tertawa sendiri. Bagaimana cupunya kita dulu dalam bermain dan ajaibnya jawaban-jawaban kita saat ditanya apa cita-cita kita saat besar nanti. Tapi bukan bertindak hal-hal lucu yang aku ingin angkat di sini. Tapi bagaimana kita dulu melakukan segala sesuatu dengan kegembiraan. It’s not about doing fun things but being fun when doing many things. Fun, fearless, full of happiness identik dengan anak kecil (ok ok ok, anak muda)

Di buku tahunan sekolah dulu di kolom pesan-kesan saya menulis “belajar, bekerja, berdoa serta jalani hidup dengan gembira”. Dan dengan itulah semangat dan energi hidup akan terus menyala. That’s my survival kit.

Dengan melihat ke masa kecil (iya, iya masa muda) kita dapat melihat apa saja yang telah melenceng dari sikap hidup kita. Mau itu sikap hidup yang baik maupun buruk, rahasianya ada di sana. Kebetulan hari Sabtu kemarin sempat maen ke fX dan ada pameran & lelang lukisan Picasso-Picasso muda yang berumur 5-8 tahun dari Rumah Main Cikal. Awesome!!! Jauh menarik perhatian saya dibandingkan festival foto yang juga sedang berlangsung di sana.

Kayanya lukisan jagoan-jagoan kecil ini yang mengingatkan saya akan kalimat Picasso di atas.

Hasil karya anak-anak Rumah Main Cikal di fX

Buat @aniseddit @anakpanda @imansyah, eunice, @faygoofe, @kapkap, bernhard, @decynug, @dhiemazt, idban, kumi, @niwat0ri, @godril dan semua yang berulang tahun bulan Desember ini, happy birthday.

Hmmm, entah kenapa saya ngerasa kok foto Pablo Picasso di Wikipedia mirip ama Bruce Willis yah? Dah mo jam 3 pagi, saatnya bobo bentar

A Day Before Christmas Day

is my birthday !!!!

See, i love making surprises for people around me. I think i have countless success on making surprises :P In the other hand, i almost make everybody mumbling when they try to surprise me :P Because i could read their plans :P

Yea I know it’s not fun, but it’s fun for me for playing Sherlock Holmes :P So they’re not fail after all.

Among those people who succeeded, completely make fun of me were Belutz and Rara. Belutz is my old pal, someday after wandering around Mal Ambassador we’re went to Daeng Tata for dinner. He has never tried konro bakar if i’m not mistaken. I didnt know how, but he’s already has a secret plan with Rara that today was at Jakarta without telling me.

And there, while talking to Belutz (later i knew it was a distraction), suddenly Rara showed up behind my back. And i just like …. frozen by surprise. I eat a big slice of meat, still chewing when she appeared. I dont know what my face look like at that time. Yea yea yea, they got me. Big time. Laugh as much as you like guys.

And today, they success again. Oh, minus Belutz this time.

Wednesday night, I supposed to take Rara home after watching Guillever’s Travel. Tomorrow she’ll fly back to Makassar and i’m 200% sure she hasn’t pack her stuff yet. End up i’ll be the one to do the packing. I can help her tomorrow because i have to work.

Well, we stop at McD because she need the internet connection for her work. OK, i need to eat also. And read some RSS.  She went to the car to take her MacBook Charger and I’m busy with chicken nuggets and some articles.

When she came back (haven’t notice at all actually) there is a birthday cake in front of me.

Arrrgghhhhhh, is it 24 December already? I always forgot my birthday until my phone ringing by calls and sms.

Me and My Bday Cake

I’m sure my face was much worse than this at Daeng Tata. But it’s enough to make ppl at McD smiling :P

Thank you so much honey, you got me again today. It’s a delicious cake, too bad i’m full. You should stop me order the food before :P

Thanks you also for Nugi-Golda and Romy The Tub for staying with us until 3am :P And Yiyit, long time no see komandan :)

People at the office thought i’m taking a day off. I  thought most people will take a day off today. So it’s another surprises for me when at office, seemed like nobody taking day off and congratulate me. Even Kanya and Sofie were singing happy birthday for me :P

dhika-shania-dio n tante sofie :P

Ok seriously guys, where are my birthday presents? :P

Happy Birthday

I should make this posting yesterday, because the official bday party of angingmammiri was yesterday. But, I hope this is not a late post, refering to the actualy angingmammiri birthday 25 November (CMIIW).

So, happy 2nd birthday to, blog community from South Sulawesi of Indonesia. Wish all the best for the community, the members and all my friends there. May unite the bloggers, specially in east part of Indonesia.

Ok, I dont know what else to write ….