Monthly Archives: January 2008

Me and Yoga

Just got back from yoga class. My head still lil bit dizzy, my brain need more oxygen :P As one of my year 2008 resolution ( :P ) i wanna to do more sports contantly. I have fixed schedule playing futsal every wednesday and now yoga every monday (and thursday). Jogging every monday morning.

So what is yoga?
Taken from,

The word yoga means "union" in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India where yoga originated. We can think of the union occurring between the mind, body and spirit.

 What is commonly referred to as "yoga" can be more accurately described by the Sanskrit word asana, which refers to the practice of physical postures or poses.

Asana is only one of the eight "limbs" of yoga, the majority of which are more concerned with mental and spiritual well being than physical activity. In the West, however, the words asana and yoga are often used interchangeably.

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@Laura Lochore

Bu Guru, ini foto ayam goreng + tempe goreng + sayur lodeh + nasi. Di Melbourne ga ada ayam goreng seperti itu ya?
A friend say you can get ayam goreng @Es Teler 77 or Restaurant Nelayan in CBD

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a la sardines

Nah gambar berikut adalah antrian di halte busway kota. Benar-benar parah !! Ga ada line antrian dan ga ada yang mau mengalah.
Kalau kamu berharap ada “children, ladies n senior citizen first”, forget it deh *sigh* Yang ada kamu cuman didorong, didesak maju dari belakang, samping kiri dan kanan bersamaan.
Dulu saya mengalami hal serupa dengan menenteng 5 stavolt di masing2 tangan. Biru-biru deh telapak tangan. Kini mesti sabar sampai 6 bis lewat supaya bisa masuk dengan sedikit nyaman.
Tapi antrian tetap tak berubah. Kalau seperti ini saya jadi kangen Singapore…

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Bowling and Forearms Tendonitis

Tonight I’ve played bowling with Abdi and the gank :) It’s the first time I played bowling in 2008 (another resolution of 2008 :P) and the 2nd time on my life :P 1st round we played 3 games … 5 people in 2 lines :P Well not bad, i can reach above 100 points and make several strikes. 1 double.

We had to finish the game because all the lines will be used for tournament, it’s called Fun Bowling if I’m not mistaken. Than Abdi offered us to join the tournament or not? Why not. Me, ArGun and Faisal join with Abdi and Pak Agus. Well, we’re completely beginner (specially me) with 0 handicap :P Whatever, we just want to continue to play bowling. It’s fun actually hehehehehhe. Again, 5 of us play in 2 lines.Forearm

And it happened. It’s look like my right forearm is injured. It’s my second time playing bowling in my life, so I dont know what kind of warming up I should take before playing the game. It seemed that my first round is the cause of the injury. I played mostly with ball 11 and 12. Maybe too heavy, but I didnt feel it at the moment.

My first swing in second round was kind of hurt. Lost my grip and I almost drop the ball 10. Arrrgghhh, i think i just had what it’s called "Forearm Tendonitis". So, 4 games in second round i mostly played with my left hand. Hey, it’s pretty good. I can used my left hand properly and made some points :P But still, I was only able to make strike with my right hand (painfully … :( ) I force to continue playing  with my right arm although it’s not a good thing to do. I was enjoying the game, what else can i say :P

In most cases, forearm tendonitis can be cured without the need to see a doctor. All i need to do before it’s getting worse is applying R.I.C.E. treatment as soon as possible. R.I.C.E. treatment is the following:

  1. Rest – rest the forearm.
  2. Ice – apply ice to the forearm for 20 minutes at a time.
  3. Compression – apply light pressure to the forearm.
  4. Elevation – elevating the forarm will help reduce pain


Well, it’s abvious that my phisical strength is now questionable hehehehhe :P I hope I don’t need to cancel my yoga class because of this :P



Tragedia Aremania

Rabu kemarin adalah hari pertama saya main futsal di tahun 2008 ini. Yah hitung-hitung melaksanakan salah satu resolusi tahun 2008 lah :) Dan seperti yang bisa diduga, walo penampilan fisik masih lumayan bagus, ga kehabisan nafas walau maen full time 2 babak, finishing saya jelek sekali. Dari sekian banyak kesempatan yang probabilitas jadi gol-nya 68%, tidak ada satupun yang sukses :( Yah, paling ga tim saya menang di pertandingan pertama :P Pertandingan kedua minggu depan semoga bisa lebih baik :P

Nah, itu intermezonya. Yang saya pingin sampaikan di sini adalah pertandingan 8 besar Liga Indonesia untuk wilayah timur antara Persiwa Wamena vs Arema Malang. Saya sebagai arek Malang (walo dah ga tinggal di Malang lagi) pasti mendukung Arema dong. Aremania gitu lho :) Tapi yang terjadi justru sebuah tontonan murahan yang amat sangat memalukan sekali banget beneran yang ditunjukkan oleh banyak banget oknum Aremania yang hadir di stadion saat itu. Continue reading