#Wikufest3 Free Lenses Photo Contest

OK, following my previous post about this contest, right now (21/01/2014 22:21) I’ve received 2 submission. I’m still waiting for the others.

Come guys :)

1. Twitter: @shadows003 | IG: rahmankurniadi | Class: XII RPL 3
Lens choice: Wide/Macro Lens
Blog Entry:  READY FOR #WIKUFEST2014 PRIZE FROM @nurikidy :)))

Rahman post another photo in instagram for this contest. But personally i like this one, sharp.

2. Twitter: @ilhamapp | IG: ilhamapp | Class: ???
Lens choice: Wide/Macro Lens
Blog post: I Choose Wide / Macro Lense , And Why I Deserve That Lense?

From Ilham’s blog post, i like this one. It’s sharp and good composition :) nice work

3. Twitter: @daniarpradanas | IG: ???? | Class: 2 TKJ 1
Lens choice: Fish Eye Lens
Blog post: #wikufest2014 free lenses? I’ll get it

that’s why he wants the fish eye :)

4. Twitter: @HattaZaka | IG: ???? | Class: XI RPL 2
Lens choice: Fish Eye Lens
Blog post:
– Holiday
– Expression one day before #wikufest2014 be held :D

i think the camera sensor having trouble with light metering. what cellphone is it?

5. Twitter: @devi_ephi | IG: | Class: ???
Lens: Wide/Macro Lens
Blog post: I want that wide lens

finally we have a lady in the list :) I’m just thinking if i move a bit to the left, still low angle, it would be nice6.

6. Twitter: @afi031 | IG:??? | class: XIIRPL3
Lens: Wide/Macro Lens
Blog post: Macro/Wide Lens !!! I want it !!! :D @nurikidy

It seems the girls has better way on making the picture composition. Leading lines style :) Very nice

7. Twitter: @vinanunenops | IG:pinaah | class: XI TKJ 1

Lens: Wide/Macro

Blog Post: Giveaway, yay!!

see things in common between the girls? leading lines, perspective :)

8. Twitter: @rheinitaCN | IG: | Class: XI RPL 1
Lens: Wide/Macro Lens
Macro Lens

“Perahu Merah” :)

9. Atika Hilyati
Twitter: @atkhilya | IG: atkhilya| Class: 2 RPL 3
Lens: Wide/Macro Lens

lines and pattern, common thing between girls :)

10. Intania Ma’rifatus Syifa
Twitter: @intaniasyifa | IG: | Class: XITKJ1
Lens: Wide/Macro Lens
Mas Nuri Photo Contest on #wikufest3 ^^

Sometimes, photo composition is all about simplicity. It might be old and dirty, it’s not so much about the shoes, but the person wearing them

11. Rifqi Paramita
Twitter: @ribekkk | IG:ribekkk | Class: XI RPL 2
Lens: Wide/Macro Lens
Getting Excited for Photo Contest on #Wikufest3 :)

it might not the sharpest photo she took, but it’s a creative concept

12. Reno Dwi Gustavino
Twitter: @RenoLaks | IG: | Class: XITKJ3
Lens: Wide/Macro Lens
Maybe this will be a story to remember

can you see the invisible lines?

13. Junita Pristi
Twitter: @junitapristi| IG: | class: XI RPL 2
Lens: Fish Eye
Blog: Shoot Your Unforgettable Moment #wikufest2014

Ah, framing from low angle. Nice

14. Anggi Yuniar Putri
Twitter: @anggiebel | IG: | Class: XITKJ2
Lens: Fish Eye
Blog: Wikufest 3!!

14. Zahua Mahira
Twitter: @ZahuaMahira | IG: | Class: 2 TKJ 1
Lens: Fish Eye
Blog: Shoot with My Handpone about AWESOME moment #wikufest3 #wikufest2014


#wikufest2014 free lenses for your mobile devices


Dear Wikusama-ers

*i dont know what to call, so let use that name for now*

Wikufest2014 is just 3 days away. We hope you can have fun and get something to help you move forward.

Well, I can assure you can got something. For you who like shooting picture with your mobile phone, i have 2 kind of lenses to giveaway. First one is wide/macro lens the other one is fish eye. They’re not fancy things but i think they can help you to be more creative with your shoot.

Wall-E and Wide/Macro Lens
Wall-E and Wide/Macro Lens
One of my minions with the Fish Eye Lens
One of my minions with the Fish Eye Lens

So, if you want it all you need to do are:

  1. Choose which lens you want. Macro/Wide or Fish eye?
  2. Make a blog post, in English, why you deserve that lens. Put some photos taken with your phone. I’m not and English teacher so don’t be afraid about writing in English. You should do it more often anyway :)
  3. DM me your data (name, class, birth date and your blog post URL). If you have problem with twitter DM (mostly because we’re not following each other) and you’re ok publishing your data in timeline, you can do it and dont forget to mention @nurikidy :)
  4. Post photos taken with your phone, use mention/tag me and use hashtag #Wikufest2014 or #Wikufest3 in Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.

I will mostly monitor my Twitter DM/mention and Instagram account. FB is mostly for your friends to give comments/likes of your photos.
The Winner for each lens will be announced at Friday afternoon.

So, the game is starting….




update:- problem about twitter DM
– winner announcement might be moved to Saturday :)

If You Could Only See

just a little flashback from karaoke night at #mozsummit 2013 #santaclara

If you could only see the way she loves me 
Then maybe you would understand 
Why I feel this way about our love 
And what I must do
If you could only see how blue her eyes can be when she says ...
When she says she loves me
 Well you got your reasons 
 And you got your lies 
 And you got your manipulations 
 They cut me down to size 
 Sayin' you love but you don't 
 You give your love but you won't
 **back to reff**
 Seems the road less traveled 
 Show's happiness unraveled 
 And you got to take a little dirt 
 To keep what you love 
 That's what you gotta do 
 Sayin' you love but you don't 
 You give your love but you won't 
 You're stretching out your arms to something that's just not there 
 Sayin' you love where you stand 
 Give your heart when you can
 **back to reff**
 Sayin' you love but you don't 
 You give your love but you won't 
 Sayin' you love where you stand 
 Give your heart when you can
 **back to reff**

Clarke’s Charcoal Broiler, Mountain View

since 1945, august?
since 1945, august?

Do you know that place?
It’s near the Mozilla Office at Mountain View and i can tell you the burger is so good.


It’s not a big place, rather basic IMO, yah but cozy enough for us. They have set of menu with plenty of choices.
When I asked, the waitress couldn’t give me any recommendations. Well, maybe because of queue line behind me or it is like many people said about the Service at Clarke’s is 1 star where the food is 4.

It’s getting dark, we’re hungry and i didn’t want to be late at the hostel again. We had a flight to catch the next day. So i just pick something that ‘save’ for me to eat.

A burger with chicken (forgot the name) + french fries + a bottle of strawberry juice. After my order served up, i went to (tiny) condiments bar. Put BBQ sauce, onions, tomatoes, lettuce, and a little bit of mayo on it.
For me who knew only franchise burgers (Wendy’s, A&W, McD-KFC, BK) it was [highlight]de-li-ci-ous[/highlight] :)
Getting a charcoal grilled burger at an old school burger joint, that’s a real burger IMO :)

We’re lucky it was not their busy hour. The review about the service is not that good during the busy time :)
You better selective about when you wanna go there :)

Getting a charcoal grilled burger at an old school burger joint at US, checked
Trying in & out burger, missed. Nah, it’s just another McD/BK style of burger.
Trying hotdog at a hotdog stall/joint at US, missed. Should’ve had one at Pier 39.
Having home made udon at a traditional udon restaurant at Japan, checked

615 W El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 967-0851

Spam Telemarketing Asuransi/KTA/KK dll

telemarketingDuluuuu banget jaman saya awam lugu namun sampai sekarang tetap unyu-unyu, saya pernah mengisi form aplikasi kartu kredit.

Yang saya ingat adalah kartu kredit Citibank via agen yang datang ke kantor. Ini juga merupakan kartu kredit pertama saya. Menolong banget waktu luntan lantung 3 minggu di Paris. Kemudian kartu kredit BCA di kantor BCA Wisma Mulia sekitar 3-4 tahun lalu.

Yang saya merasa sangat sebal adalah nomor ponsel saya (saat itu cuman punya nomor kantor yg masih digunakan sampai sekarang) menjadi spam telemarketing-telemarketing brengsek. Frekuensi nelpon yang ga kira-kira dan beberapa diantaranya jam nelponnya juga ga kira-kira. Dan keluhan seperti ini sepertinya sudah dialami oleh hampir semua orang di Jakarta.

Hal ini udah jadi pengetahuan umum kalo transaksi nasabah -khususnya kartu kredit- di-sharing atau bahkan diperjualbelikan antar sesama agen. Dan BULLSHIT banget kalo para telemarketer mengelak dari hal ini.

021-29264002 —> nah ini barusan nelpon sampai 4x ngaku dari CARD CENTER BCA NAWARIN COMMONWEALTH. Buntutnya investasi/unitlink ga jelas juga

2 nomor terakhir itu bilangnya dari CIMB Niaga, kartu kredit
Karena ngakunya dari BCA Card Center dan nawarinnya Commonwealth ya saya kasih nama seperti itu saja :)

Akhirnya saya gooling sebentar nyari apakah ada yang jadi korban spam nomor ini juga. Ternyata malah  ada yang menyempatkan dan mendedikasikan diri untuk mengumpulkan nomor-nomor telpon telemarketer pengganggu ini yang saya kutip di sini. Saluttttt

Nah buat yang ingin memperpanjang daftar blacklist atau call block, boleh deh masukin nomor-nomor berikut.

daftar asli oleh ad_s dari forum modifikasi.com (Kumpulin No Telp Sales Asuransi/kta/kk, Dll Yang Menganggu Yuk)

  • 021-70170778 ( Chartis )
  • 021-29958300 ( Prud3ntial )
  • 021-24507300 ( asuransi mengatasnamakan BII )
  • 021-30401960 ( asuransi C1gna mengatasnamakan Mandiri )
  • 021-27535600 ( Cigna )
  • 021-29978000 ( Cigna )
  • 021-29981800 (Sun Life)
  • 021-25542200 (Citi)
  • 021-23925496 (PT.Asia buana/voucher hotel)
  • 021-29262400 ( Chartis )
  • 021-25501500 ( asuransi mengatasnamakan hsbc )
  • 021-30404500 ( asuransi mengatasnamakan Mandiri )
  • 021-29985222 (ace asuransi)
  • 021-29964000 (asuransi mengatasnamakan BRI)
  • 021-29960120 (AIA)
  • 021-29918200 Air Asia Insure (asuransi dari airasia)
  • 021-29264006 (ga inget asuransi apa)
  • 021-82588777 (megalife)
  • 021-30056420 (axa)
  • 021-30412700 (ga inget asuransi apa)
  • 021-29264007 (ga inget asuransi apa)
  • 021-85901381 (ngaku nya asuransi bca)
  • 021-8580826 (ngaku nya asuransi bca)
  • 021-8580933 (ngaku nya asuransi bca)
  • 021-29293000 – Sigma (Ngakunya sih anak perusahaan BCA yang ujung2nya nawarin reksadana, asuransi, dll)
  • 21-5808089 – ngakunya dari ANZ (nawarin investasi kaga jelas, konfirmasi ke ANZ mereka bilang tidak pernah berhubungan dengan mereka)
  • 0899 9666 999 (axa)

Ada yang mo nambahin listnya?

Ini baru spam via telepon, belum lagi spam lain via SMS


  • 08965388777 – kalo googling sih spam KK Danamon (2013/11/15)
  • 021-30483300 – ngaku Citibank kerjasama Commonwealth nawarin asuransi + pengembalian dana tunai (2013/11/28)
  • 021-29264001 – BCA kerjasama ma Commonwealth n dibenarkan oleh akun twitter @HaloBCA (2014/05/30)

update (2014-07-26)

ada yang berkomentar kalo telemarketing katanya ada undang-undang yang mengesyahkan dan di bawah naungan OJK (Ototiras Jasa Keuangan). Saya nanya undang-undang apa nomor berapa siapa yang ngeluarin tapi belum di balas. Saya nanya juga aturan OJK yang mana masih belum di balas.

Terkait dengan OJK, saya nemunya malah berita-berita ini:

1981 Landings Drive Building K


Mozilla Spaces around the world
Mozilla Spaces around the world

That is the map of Mozilla Spaces

For some point, I assumed those are also Mozilla Offices.

But before all of those stars on the map above, there was  this building.

Building K

if you open the wikipedia entry about Mozilla Foundation, you could see that photo also (from different angle). It’s located on 1981 Landings Drive, Building K.

1981 Landings Drive Building K, Mountain View - CA
37°25’6″N 122°5’15″W

And we are very grateful to Pascal that has brought us there. He told us stories about the building and the people. About the highway 101, the Google canteen across the street and many other else. I’m sure the team that’s been long with Mozilla  will have many stories to be told about that time :)

at the starting point :P
at the starting point :P

The building was the former office shared by both the Mozilla Foundation and the Mozilla Corporation until July 2009. It could be the Netscape building, but I think this is the place where everything ‘Mozilla’ (not just the browser) was started


This a blogpost from Justin Dolske telling the history about the bay area where Mozilla San Francisco Office is now.

Mozilla office history