[#31DaysOfDecember] 20 – Happy Decy


What is happiness?
It could be something complex but also something pretty simple.

In my case, seeing and furthermore helping people around you -your friends, your family, your loved ones- to be happy. See those smile, laughter and expressions that cant be described on their face :)

Being in a place they’ve dreamed to be,  jumping around with their fave artist or having simple dinner with a little surprise. I like (making) surprises :)

And tonight we’re having it. Simple dinner and a little not so fancy surprise for my brother Decy.

Nah, i think this is his best birthday ever. Why?
He had a wedding in his birthday, got a wife as his birthday present :P

Anyway, once again happy birthday to you, Bro.

We’ve written the wishes in the cards last night but i think it wont be enough. So wish all the best for you and your new family. We’re always be on your side.

To Beatrice, happy weeding. Nitip Decy yah :) Kami nunggu ponakan-ponakan lucu dari kalian \^_^/



[#31DaysOfDecember] 19 – Haagen-Dazs Tragedy


It is raining very hard here in Jakarta.
Practically cannot go home unless i want to be completely soaking wet riding motorcycle -_-

Friday night + rain = traffic hell.
But Danbo always can make you smile :)


D: Ini buat saya? Wahhh terima kasih ^_^
— Nope, sharing
D: ….

danbo_XT1F7356D: Wah sepertinya enak
— Tentu, ini raspberry + mango

danbo_XT1F7361D: waaa, aku lhoo suka ama mango, eh raspberry saya juga mau.
— kamu ini maunya selalu banyak :)

danbo_XT1F7362D: saya mau nyobain!
— boleh
D: Yang mana dulu yah? Mango enak, raspberry enak. Waaah, enak semua
— behave, pake sendoknya. jangan maruk seperti itu. hati-hati.
D: Dih, pelit. Saya kan mo nyobain dikit. Eh agak banyak sih
— …

D: Aaaaa…. &*)$!E!$(!*^% *blebeb blebeb*
*sigh* i’ve told you…

[#31DaysOfDecember] 18 – Kompor Budaya

20141218_itjoss_xt1_8335 copy

Tanggal 18 Desember kemarin adalah kick off inisiatif Kompor Budaya untuk direktorat IT. Mengambil tema IT JOSS (Jumat Obrolan Sore Santai) -eh? kenapa hari Kamis yah jadinya?- dan bertempat di City Plaza, kami coba berkumpul untuk membuat sedikit kehebohan sekaligus break lah dari kesibukan rutinitas yang ada.

Hey, we deserve to have some fun… more often :)

Berikut ini beberapa foto yang sempat saya sambil selama acara. Ada penampilan dari masing-masing sub-direktorat yang cukup mengocok perut :D

and last, let me post a #selfie :)


[#31DaysofDecember] 15 – Food

Sushi/Sashimi, one of my fave dishes :)

x100sushi_20140715185942__DSF5502 x100sushi_20140715190008__DSF5503-2Salmon Hana Ikura

x100sushi_20140715191327__DSF5505-2Tuna (Maguro) Sashimi

x100sushi_20140715191448__DSF5510-2Tako! one of my fave :) Ada yang mo nyobain tentakel gurita? :D

  x100sushi_20140715191551__DSF5515 Mekajiki (swordfish)
kalo chefnya jago, rasanya bakal kaya melon loh :)

Berbicara soal sushi, warung franchise sushi yang sering saya kunjungi adalah Sushi Tei Gandaria City. Sebenarnya sih sudah mencoba beberapa gerai Sushi Tei lainnya juga, tapi entah kenapa rasanya yang paling enak buat lidah kampung saya ini hanya yang di Gandaria City. Sejauh ini sih, ada beberapa warung sushi yang rasanya jauh lebih nikmat, harganya ajah yang ga nikmat kalo keseringan maem di sana :P

Anyay, yang di Kyoto itu mantap banget rasa sushinya walo hanya warung pinggir jalan.

Ya iya lah, Kyoto.. *bletak*


[#31DaysOfDecember] 14 – Nobody To Love

Missed day-14 posting ontime due to #DWP14phoria :P

Speaking about #DWP14, i’d like to share with you a song which has been played by several DJs. Not being played as much as Calvin Harris’s or AvB’s Ping Pong but i do love this one.

Title is Nobody To Love performed by British duo, Sigma. It’s the Sigma original version, the one played in DWP14 is I believe the Third Party Remix version.

So, enjoy :)


ahaha, om JJ managed to snap a picture of me with Indonesian flag :)

ahaha, om JJ managed to snap a picture of me with Indonesian flag :)

I know you’re tired of loving, of loving
With nobody to love, nobody, nobody
So just grab somebody, no leaving this party
With nobody to love, nobody, nobody

I know you’re tired of loving, of loving
With nobody to love, nobody, nobody
So just grab somebody, no leaving this party
With nobody to love, nobody, nobody

I know you’re tired of loving, of loving
With nobody to love, nobody, nobody
So just grab somebody, no leaving this party
With nobody to love, nobody, nobody

I know you’re tired of loving, of loving
With nobody to love, nobody, nobody
So just grab somebody, no leaving this party
With nobody to love, nobody, nobody