[#31DaysOfDecember] 18 – Kompor Budaya

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Tanggal 18 Desember kemarin adalah kick off inisiatif Kompor Budaya untuk direktorat IT. Mengambil tema IT JOSS (Jumat Obrolan Sore Santai) -eh? kenapa hari Kamis yah jadinya?- dan bertempat di City Plaza, kami coba berkumpul untuk membuat sedikit kehebohan sekaligus break lah dari kesibukan rutinitas yang ada.

Hey, we deserve to have some fun… more often :)

Berikut ini beberapa foto yang sempat saya sambil selama acara. Ada penampilan dari masing-masing sub-direktorat yang cukup mengocok perut :D

and last, let me post a #selfie :)


Mommy, where are you?


Behind the scene


Domo The Officer: “Attention! Attention! There are 3 lost children found wandering at #Room41 looking for their parents
As you can see in this photo, for whoever responsible for them, please come to the information desk!
Soba the yellow: “Hu hu hu hu, where’s Mommy @nisademia, aunty Nohey
Brodpet the blue: “Hu hu dont leave us. We promise we will behave and doing bad things again :(”
Moshi the 3 eyes: Errr, i cant cry, my tears will wet the floor

nisademia_8415_20130531165832Danbo: “Calm down guys, no one leaving anybody. Your Mommy will be here soon”
Wall-E: “Ya, next time dont play too far and tell your parents where you’re going”

nisademia_8417_20130531170214And then Wall-E and Mommy W are playing with Soba, Brodpet and Moshi-Moshi to cheer ’em up :)

Another day at #Room41

@nisademia … oiii, itu anak-anaknya jangan ditinggalin gitu :P

Once Upon a Time at #Room41


This is the behind the scene of this story

@nurikidy - 2013

nk: Guys… what are you doing?
Domo: sssh, pssst!!
Danbo: hmmm…
Moshi-moshi: crunch crunch crunch…

@nurikidy - 2013

Domo: errr guys, by the way, what are we looking for again?
Moshi-Moshi: mama @nisademia
Wall-E: hmmm, she said she’s here at City Plaza but cant find her anywhere
Domo: so what’s about the box?
Wall-E: i’m sure she’s hiding here
Danbo: are you sure? She’s taller than pertronas and eiffel tower combined. no way she’s fit in there
Domo: WHAT?!!!!!! Arrghhhhhhh

@nurikidy - 2013hahahahaha :P

Welcome to City Plaza @nisademia
Your kids are waiting to be picked up yah :P

Happy Birthday, Ghea ^_^


i got a big release activity tonight, there’s a lot of story behind it but i’m not gonna talk about it here.

i’ve planned this since  last week, too bad i was down all day long in sunday

try to make it on monday, dont prepare enough properties, have  no time and it was also rezzy’s birthday *almost forgot*

only managed to make this for rezzy *sorry ya dek* :P

Those 3 little wierdos will be @nisademia ‘s sooner :) Hope they can keep her busy and forgot about homesick for a little while :p

Since i had no meetings on 28 before lunch, i could make series of instagram photos using my iphone with whatever i had on 28. The photo sequence will be like this


make some touch up on her project front page



the team is busy making and finalising the concept

put up the supporting cast


and finish the rest after midnight during the break of release activities *fiuh*

and it’s 3:20am, need to get back to office work..

Happy birthday, Ghea

Semoga cita-citanya tercapai, selalu diridhoi Allah dalam segala tindakan dan amalannya ya, dik.


A View of Déjà vu

Night View from Room41 - 20130508

this is the  view from room 41
bad headache but still has things to be done
felt like lost all of the fun
and got nothing left to run

ok head gettin worse,
i’ll just lay down here and hope can see the sun rises tomorrow

just realize window is facing west. there’ll be no sunrise for me then