Happy Birthday 07-07

once upon a time at #r41…

Happy Birthday, Tika :P

“So, the card should be like this, add that, bla bla bla”

“No, it has to be like this bla bla bla”


Let’s do the Danbo way…

Happy Birthday, Tika :P


wait… heavy beard?!

Happy Birthday, Tika :P

“You spelt it wrong, IDIOT!!”

Happy Birthday, Tika :P

“Now do it MY WAY!!”

Happy Birthday, Tika :P

“Bee Do Bee Do, make no more mistake! Bee Do Bee Do !”

“Shut Up!!”


Happy Birthday, Tika :P

“Happy birthday Tikaaaaaaaaa”

wait.. i think there’s something not right in that picture…

tika_20130708142040-arrgghhWell, what Domo did after that is not appropriate to put in here….

as seen on www.jirolu.net…

Mommy, where are you?


Behind the scene


Domo The Officer: “Attention! Attention! There are 3 lost children found wandering at #Room41 looking for their parents
As you can see in this photo, for whoever responsible for them, please come to the information desk!
Soba the yellow: “Hu hu hu hu, where’s Mommy @nisademia, aunty Nohey
Brodpet the blue: “Hu hu dont leave us. We promise we will behave and doing bad things again :(”
Moshi the 3 eyes: Errr, i cant cry, my tears will wet the floor

nisademia_8415_20130531165832Danbo: “Calm down guys, no one leaving anybody. Your Mommy will be here soon”
Wall-E: “Ya, next time dont play too far and tell your parents where you’re going”

nisademia_8417_20130531170214And then Wall-E and Mommy W are playing with Soba, Brodpet and Moshi-Moshi to cheer ’em up :)

Another day at #Room41

@nisademia … oiii, itu anak-anaknya jangan ditinggalin gitu :P

Once Upon a Time at #Room41


This is the behind the scene of this story

@nurikidy - 2013

nk: Guys… what are you doing?
Domo: sssh, pssst!!
Danbo: hmmm…
Moshi-moshi: crunch crunch crunch…

@nurikidy - 2013

Domo: errr guys, by the way, what are we looking for again?
Moshi-Moshi: mama @nisademia
Wall-E: hmmm, she said she’s here at City Plaza but cant find her anywhere
Domo: so what’s about the box?
Wall-E: i’m sure she’s hiding here
Danbo: are you sure? She’s taller than pertronas and eiffel tower combined. no way she’s fit in there
Domo: WHAT?!!!!!! Arrghhhhhhh

@nurikidy - 2013hahahahaha :P

Welcome to City Plaza @nisademia
Your kids are waiting to be picked up yah :P