Paris Two Face Part #1

Paris The City of Light, The City of Love, The Capital of Romance and Art. Nice, isn’t it? That’s the Sunny face of Paris :P

There are many things you can do in Paris. It’s a big city divide into 20 administrative districts (“arrondissements”). The number of the arrondissement is indicated by the last two digits in most Parisian postal codes (75001 up to 75020). If you see the map carefully, you’ll find that those 20 arrondissements are arranged in the form of a clockwise spiral.

Arrondissements of Paris

To make it short, tourist most visited landmarks in Paris are usually at

  • 1st Arr = Da Vinci Code started in this district :P This is the ultimate Paris must-see spots; you’ve got the Tuileries, Pont des Art, Place de Vendôme, Rue de Rivoli, Place de la Concorde and of course the great Louvre.
  • 4th Arr = Centre Georges Pampidou & Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris
  • 5th Arr = Pantheon, Quarter Latin
  • 7th Arr = Romantic. You have Eiffel Tower, Invalides, fancy and rather expensive French restaurant but no clubs). This is a very very safe area because all the embassies seem to be there.
  • 8th Arr = Sightseeing + shopping + party. Champs-Elysées, Arc de Triomphe, shopping centres, branded boutique, fancy lounges and clubs.
  • Between 9th and 18th you have Montmartre area, Sacre Coeur, then the famous Moulin Rouge (you do know that rouge = red, right?) and Pigale area.

I wont be strolling around Pigalle specially at night, but i do love Montmartre. In fact, I’ve spent almost a whole day just strolling around this area. It’s classic, it’s full of cultural sightseeing, it’s the place where great artist were gathered.

Take a look at Place du Tertre where Picasso, Vlamenck, Derain, Soutine, Modigliani, Van Gogh and countless others lived and worked in these narrow streets.

You could see the architecture of Basilica of the Sacré Cœur or Musée de Montmartre is in the house where the painter Maurice Utrillo lived and worked in a second-floor studio.

Last but not least, it’s my best spot to find souvenirs with good price and lot of options :)

Where do I stay?

I was staying at 11th Arrondissement, between Belleville and Couronnes Metro. It’s not a tourist area, colourful, multi-ethnic neighbourhood. Lucky me, I stay within the Moslem society, so it’s easy to find or asking for halal food. Yayyyyy \^_^/. There’s even a mosque (but don’t expect it to be a typical mosque in Indonesia).

Rue de La Fontain Au Roi
Rue de La Fontain Au Roi
i wont run out of food :P
i wont run out of food :P
or place to have coffee and watching people passing by
or place to have coffee and watching people passing by


Paris dalam 3-4 Hari


Buat Yofie yang rencananya mo 3-4 hari di Paris.
Rute ini subjective ke gw yah. Kamu bisa modif-modif ndiri tergantung sukanya venue yang kaya gimana, seberapa kuat kaki elo jalan, or rute metro mana ajah yang mo lo ambil :P

Kalo ngomongin Paris -IMO- defaultnya yang ada di bayangan kita pasti Menara Eiffel, lalu Museum Louvre dan mungkin Katedral Notre-Dame. But believe me Paris is way more than that. Even if you spent full 3-4×24 hours is till not enough to explore The City of Lights. Kasarnya yang tadi itu baru Paris ring-1 :)

Mo mengingatkan, karena Eiffel dan Louvre adalah tujuan utama turis, hati-hati dengan antriannya. Get there as early as you can! Kalo lagi sial bisa-bisa buang waktu 2 jam cuman buat ngantri Eiffel doang. You can see more within 2 hours.

Some says 3 days are not enough to explore Louvre itself :) Yah aku ga yakin elo demen maen-maen ke museum sih, but it’s awsome!!! *bah, jadi pingin balik sana lagi*

Pas landing di bandara gw saranin elo ambil tourist/travel map berbagai versi tapi yang bahasa Inggris yah :P Ah iya, peta metro juga. Elo bisa beli tiket metro terusan juga sih di sini.

Karena elo nyebut Rue Vicq d’Azir, Paris, asumsiku elo nginap di daerah sana. Rute yang bisa gue saranin sih


Arc de Triomphe courtesy:

Day #1,
Istirahat bentar langsung ajah ke Arc de Triomphe (naik metro yang turun di Charles de gaulle kalo ndak salah :P)
Dari AdT tinggal lurus ajah nyusurin Champs-Elysees. Nah udah deh, elo jalan ujung ke ujung bolak-balik juga pasti lom akan puas.
Banyak venue menarik di sini. Selain toko-toko modern yang eksotis, situs-situs sejarah juga banyak.
Misalnya ada Place de la concorde, Obelisk (jangan mikir yang di komik Asterix yah) plus air mancurnya,
Sampai buntutnya di Louvre. Di sini elo liat situasi ajah, paling tidak elo bisa foto di piramida depan gerbang Louvre situ :)

Santai ajah kalo berasa gempor, tinggal naek metro buat baliknya :) Ada 2 stasiun metro sputaran Louvre. Kombo peta turis + peta metro itu mantap :P

Kalo waktu cukup dan mo nerusin, kamu bisa nyusurin Rivoli trus nyebrang ke Seine. Gw ga tau nama “pulau”-nya tapi di sanalah berdiri Notre-Dame ama La Sainte Chapelle. Gw sih lebih suka motoin Notre-Dame saat rada-rada berkabut, jadi yah either pagi-pagi atau pas sunset sekalian dengan background sungai Seine :)

Day #2
Hmmm, kalo niatnya naek sampe pucuk Eiffel mending dilakukan hari ini. Ngantri sepagi mungkin.
Preferensi orang beda-beda sih, mo lihat view pagi apa view sore menjelang malam. Cuman ya itu tadi, antriannya.
Lagian di atas berangin banget. susah juga buat moto-moto yang bener kalo kamu ga spare waktu yang banyak.

Jangan sampe batre kelewat dingin yah, nanti malah ga bisa moto (pengalaman :( ). Jadi bawa spare batre yang disimpen dibalik baju. Buntelin apa kek biar tetap anget. Jaga-jaga kalo batre utama ngadat.

Selesai manjat Eiffel ma muterin tamannya elo bisa lanjut ikutan River Cruise.
Atau kalo mo maen ke museum kalo ga salah ada Musee D’Orsay ama Rodin. Ada juga Invalides, makam si Napoleon kalo ga salah di sini.

Musee D’Orsay courtesy:

Day #3

kita coba jump ke yang jauhan trus mundur ke arah tempat elo nginap pas pulangnya.
– Luxembourg Gardens (nah mestinya pagi-pagi neh)
– lanjut jalan kaki ke Pont Neuf Bridge
– ambil metro pont neuh turun di Royal palace, udah deh ubek-ubek di situ
– kelar di sini langsung lanjut ke Montmartre Sacre Coeur. Nah kalo mo nyari-nyari suvenir murah tempatnya di sini.
Paling keren nangkring depan sacre coeur sore-sore, liat paris menjelang sunset. Nah pas mulai masuk malam, bisa lihat merahnya Moulin Rouge di bawah :P

La Basilique du Sacré Coeur de Montmartre courtesy:

Day #4

trace back ajah venue mana yang elo mo datangin lagi. Rute Day #1 misalnya. langsung shortcut ajah via metro.

Nah gitu ajah sih. Rute day-1 itu aslinya buanyak banget, kamu ga akan bisa lama-lama di 1 tempat. Tapi gw emang paling suka nyusurin Champs-Elysees. Rasain ndiri ajah deh, Yof :)

*berhitung keras buat next travel destination: Nonton Liverpool di Anfield, balik ke Paris, pulau-pulau di Yunani yah paling ga Santorini deh*